This helmet is a Other Ranks (OR) class helmet has seen better days and is in what I call a semi-relic condition. The steel shell at one stage was finished in Tombac which is evident because a small area remains behind the front plate. The shell is maker marked on the inside crown to JUNKER and there is a number 629 stamped behind the front plate. the front visor and lobster section Brass rivets are tight to the helmet. The liner is loose inside the helmet.
The brass chin-scales are complete and the correct side cockades are present. The eagle is an original with no damage to the seams, the crown unscrews. The Eagle may not be original to the helmet as there are a few extra holes in the dome. The front plate is the correct OR type and is also original.
This helmet in this condition represents excellent value for the helmet collector or restorer who wants a representative piece at minimal cost or wants to restore the helmet to its former glory. A good original Garde Du Corps Eagle top helmet fetches in the vicinity of $10-15,000. Only recently I saw just the eagle fetch $3000.